Category Archives: Rants & Raves

You don’t know what pretzels are…?

I am really sick and tired when: I walk into a Duane Reade here in the middle of NYC on […]

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Do something different…

Same schedule, maybe not boring, but same thing… over and over and over. Do something […]

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Mantra for the day

Repeat after me… I love my life.

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“Well behaved people seldom make history”

I came across this article written by MATT HARRIS on in THE WEEK and found it interesting: “As a […]

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Don’t live by rules, live by YOUR OWN ideals and values!

You can’t do this… don’t do that… My folks wouldn’t like it if I did… […]

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I get so excited over the little things in life.

example: Yesterday was a day of errands before arriving at work, you know that place where you have to go […]

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Wonderful cappuccino… oh yes a film and a play also.

Yesterday, after working (as an Usher) and seeing again for the second time OTHER DESERT CITIES at the Newhouse Theater […]

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WHat’s next…?

South Pacific at Lincoln Center is coming to a close, August 22nd will be it’s 1000th and last performance. It’s […]

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The night before…

It’s the night before the inauguration and I already feel the buzz in the air. This is an exciting time […]

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Sun Oct 14, 2007

Frustrating! I’m hearing about friends & people I know booking acting jobs & in shows & TV & I’m auditioning, […]

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